Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) do not currently have any policies in place requiring the curriculum to include or encourage children to learn about other cultures. The racial and cultural divide in the country is a daily discussion all around us and this county is no exception. Frederick County schools have continued to see an increase in the number of minority students as compared to white students. Minority students represent 41.1 % of the FCPS population, however, minority students are over 58% of the suspensions.

It’s not just the students but also the teachers and staff throughout the public school system who need to be taught cultural diversity and understanding. The FCPS Curriculum Diversity Women Solve Group is focused on getting the Board of Education (BOE) to create a policy requiring cultural diversity be a part of the FCPS curriculum through every grade level and all year long. The BOE recently approved a Racial Equity Committee which is tasked with reviewing many areas of inequity–from teacher hiring to curriculum to the student suspension rate. Our Group wants to see the curriculum changes in place by the 2020-2021 school year.

If you are interested in joining The FCPS Curriculum Diversity Women Solve Group or serving as a mentor for the Group, please contact If you would like to share your stories of FCPS racism and inequality with our Group, please email or call us 240-397-6127.

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